Milos Koptak and Rai Escale work with images that represent faces or figures which have been transformed to deformed shapes; whereas when they worked individually, their approach to it was slightly different. Working together, they changed their techniques, but their primary input hasn’t changed – printed images extracted from advertisements have already been modified according to the aesthetic rules of the present day. This first moment in the process of working is notable – usually, a visual advertisement is unnaturally changed and exaggeratedly worked out in comparison to the basic reality in which existence is important in its own right. There is an image that exists and visually not only affects, but disturbs cultured psychical perception. The second moment, more important in this process, is based on simplifying this artificially evoked illusion and moreover, on adding to it ‘a new profile’, or new image which might be more typical, more real.
'Zsófia Kiss-Szemán'